Saturday, May 30, 2015

To Conclude Week II

This week was considerably more stressful than Week I, although I'm not sure it is entirely due to the coursework. I also learned a new account at work, worked four overtime hours during the week and five more today, which is Saturday, which is supposed to be the weekend...Anyway, maintaining the ongoing projects (blog, Twitter, discussion posts) has become more challenging this week as new assignments were added to the mix.

The Best: I am really enjoying learning about content management systems and how they work. The interview for Assignment 3 was a very positive experience, and I hope to have my reflection on that completed and posted here sometime tomorrow afternoon. I also really like all of the interactive learning that has been required, such as creating our own website and experimenting with generating QR codes.

The Worst: I experienced slight frustration last night, as I prepared to make my comments to DB14, the final discussion question for the week, when the website shut down for its routine Friday night maintenance. How inconvenient. I know that the website informs us of this, but it had not yet been an issue for me. My professors last semester set no Friday due dates, which was very considerate of them; however, I understand that this is Maymester and it's necessary that something be due almost all the time. I'll just have to take that late DB posting as my own fault, the first sign that I'm beginning to fray around the edges, burst at the seams, slowly lose my sanity...

Then again, discussion boards in general have really outworn their welcome in my MLIS education. But I'm gearing up for round three!

Good luck on the homestretch, everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I have a post it note taped to my computer monitor at work. It says "Tweet, Retweet, Blog, Comment" just to remind me. I am really trying not to let the little things fall through the cracks this Maymester. On the bright side, at least Joomla! is no longer haunting my dreams.
