Sunday, May 31, 2015

Interview With a Webmaster: CMS Use in the Athens-Regional Library System

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Ms. Natalie Wright, Digital Media Librarian at the Athens-Clarke County Library, about her knowledge of and experience with Content Management Systems (CMSs). Her current position requires her to design, update, and troubleshoot the Athens Regional Library website (covering eleven branches), and to manage the main branch’s Digital Media Center, which offers patrons a variety of digital technology classes, including Beginning Photoshop, Podcasting, Video Editing, Illustrator, and Web Design, 3D modeling and printing workshops, and occasional Makey Makey/coding projects for young adults. I e-mailed Ms. Wright my questions concerning her work with CMS and found her responses to be very insightful and personally interesting to me, as I recently worked at the Royston Public Library, a local branch of the Athens Regional Library System, and therefore have experience interacting with her regional website.
She began work as the library webmaster in 2007, when CMS “wasn’t quite the buzzword” that it is now. She and her boss had heard of CMSs through blogs and tech sites and wanted to use a CMS to rework their library website, despite having no prior experience using one. After researching Drupal, Wordpress, and Joomla, Natalie compiled a list of desired website features and evaluated each system by creating a basic site on all three. She also mentions looking into one commercial option (name of system unknown), but ultimately decided that open-source was the best fit for her library. After discovering Drupal’s steep learning curve and more challenging workflow, and Wordpress’ inability to support the complexity level that Natalie’s website would require, she proposed Joomla, and her boss supported her decision.

Ms. Wright states that, “Joomla was the happy medium between the two (Drupal and Wordpress) with just the right amount of built-ins and a large selection of plug-ins.” She wanted a CMS that would allow staff with no coding experience to make updates using WYSIWYG; that would separate content from structure; that included built-in applications such as blogs, rss feeds, and calendars; and that supported more interactive content than simple static web pages. A more cohesive appearance and more streamlined workflow were also necessary characteristics. Joomla seemed to meet all of these important needs.

Ultimately, she is very pleased with her decision, even though, as with any new experience, there was a learning period. She says the most challenging aspect of implementing Joomla was learning CMS vocabulary: “I’m not sure of all the terminology between the different CMSs, but in Joomla you have to know what an Article, Category, Module, Plug-in, Extension, and Component are, and they are very specific terms with meaning specific to the system.  I think most of my initial research was trying to figure out what the online tutorials were referring to when they used these terms.” However, once one deciphers the language, it is easy to navigate, learn, and create with Joomla, and there is also an active online community to provide users with further system support. Additionally, she found that, to manage the complexity of her library’s site, some Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) skills were needed so that she would be free to design her own templates and to alter settings in add-ons.

Although additional skills were required in order to utilize the CMS to its highest potential, the positive results of Joomla far outweigh any setbacks due to a learning curve. Joomla satisfies all of the website needs that Natalie originally set out to meet. She is also grateful to be rid of the old site’s convoluted workflows, which involved using a CSS style sheet and tables for layout design; by using uploaded templates, Joomla eliminates worry that adding or removing features will disrupt the website layout. Finally, she also says the switch to Joomla has made the library more compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as she has received positive feedback from Talking Books Center users who access and navigate the library website using a screen-reader.

Ms. Wright was very fortunate to have had so much influence on choosing a CMS, yet she says that control of website layout, design, and content remains “sort of a give and take.” Departments have control over their own content, and to a certain extent, how it is presented. Ms. Wright offers her professional advice when requested; however, sometimes her opinions are overruled: “I just feel embarrassed about some portions of our site that I think are not user-friendly.” Furthermore, certain branches have staff “willing to be trained in updates, and they post their own calendar events and blog add their own local spin on things.” Other branches (such as the one at which I was previously employed) still prepare their local content and send it to Athens for Natalie to upload onto the website for them.

As a concluding inquiry, I asked Ms. Wright to share any additional thoughts or advice she may have for me and other current MLIS students. She replied that the web design course should become core curriculum for all MLIS students, as knowledge of web sites, user interfaces, and basic coding has become a vital part of the information profession. She also recommends the book, Don’t Make Me Think, by Steve Krug. My interview with her was exceptionally informative, and showed me the topics covered in this course (MLIS 7505) in an applied, real-world context. Through this experience, I have gained a true appreciation for information technology and web education, no matter what area of library science one chooses to pursue.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

To Conclude Week II

This week was considerably more stressful than Week I, although I'm not sure it is entirely due to the coursework. I also learned a new account at work, worked four overtime hours during the week and five more today, which is Saturday, which is supposed to be the weekend...Anyway, maintaining the ongoing projects (blog, Twitter, discussion posts) has become more challenging this week as new assignments were added to the mix.

The Best: I am really enjoying learning about content management systems and how they work. The interview for Assignment 3 was a very positive experience, and I hope to have my reflection on that completed and posted here sometime tomorrow afternoon. I also really like all of the interactive learning that has been required, such as creating our own website and experimenting with generating QR codes.

The Worst: I experienced slight frustration last night, as I prepared to make my comments to DB14, the final discussion question for the week, when the website shut down for its routine Friday night maintenance. How inconvenient. I know that the website informs us of this, but it had not yet been an issue for me. My professors last semester set no Friday due dates, which was very considerate of them; however, I understand that this is Maymester and it's necessary that something be due almost all the time. I'll just have to take that late DB posting as my own fault, the first sign that I'm beginning to fray around the edges, burst at the seams, slowly lose my sanity...

Then again, discussion boards in general have really outworn their welcome in my MLIS education. But I'm gearing up for round three!

Good luck on the homestretch, everyone.

What's this! I am going to respond to QR code sightings from now on :)

I used BeQRious to generate my code. It's super fast and user-friendly, and you can customize the size and color!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Happy Scanning

There has been much discussion this week on our blogs, Twitter, and the discussion board concerning QR codes, and if I'm honest, I didn't really know what they were until having read the articles and everyone's posts. Here's a related mobile technology tool that may be of interest. Level It Books allows one to scan a book's ISBN (barcode) to see the Lexile, Guided Reading, Grade Level Equivalent, and DRA Levels of the book. I used to get asked these questions by parents all the time, and this app can help them find that information more quickly and independently from any location. It's a handy capability, granted I have not tested its use and accuracy.

The app, while not free, is very affordable at $3.99 on the App Store and is compatible with both Apple and Android devices.

QR codes make me wonder whether in the future, all print publication like newspapers and magazines will be entirely composed of headings and QR codes and only fill one folded piece of paper. I also read an adult fiction book not too long ago, Night Film by Marisha Pessl, which had bird symbols hidden throughout the pages that could be scanned via a special app in order to gain access to extended fiction content, such as clues and videos. Needless to say, that was an especially fun and innovative multimedia experience.

These apps have me thinking that maybe one day, we'll all go around with our smartphones at arm's length just scanning everything. I don't know if I'm excited about that or not...

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

What new horrors!

That's what I thought after I had completed the Joomla assignment, and before Assignment 3 had been disclosed.

I recently finished Hyperbole and a Half, a book written by Alli Brosh who is also responsible for the ingenious blog by the same name ( and one of her illustrations perfectly relates my sentiment of Assignment 3... an old-school essay!

Today, I made arrangements with my contact to conduct the interview on her library's CMS via email, which will be super convenient for us both. The plan is to wrap up discussion post requirements by Friday evening and attack Assignment 3 over the weekend. Planning is half the battle!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Two Days in Joomlaland

two rolls and a bee: literary bakery
I used Joomla to create a website ( for Two Rolls and a Bee, a literary bakery (which does not really exist, although the menu items sound scrumptious and do have real recipes out there somewhere). The idea was to create a bakery that used local ingredients and also functioned as a coffee house venue for poetry readings and hosted author events. All of the sketches were created using, and credit for the stunning photography goes to my talented sister, Scout.

I began the assignment with a very positive attitude about learning something new and getting to be creative in the process, yet I soon grew anxious about completing the assignment on time, as I experienced a road block early on when trying to open the extensions manager. Apparently, other people had the same issue, and for me it was resolved by installing the extensions from a different device and then accessing them on my laptop. I then created five menus, with two (Menu Items and Literary Events) linked to categories. This turned out to be the most time-consuming part of the project, simply because gaining familiarity with how the administrator site functions takes a bit of trial-and-error. I added the search bar module and the Google Maps module without difficulty. And for the fun part, I changed the template and background color to match my artwork and experimented with different fonts and headings until I found/created ones that fit the tone of the website (warm, charming, homemade, friendly).

I only encountered a couple more minor problems along the way: It took some outside research to learn how to change the header, as that information was not in the tutorial videos, and even after double checking that all of my paragraph text was set to the same font and size, some still appears larger or smaller to me.

Summary of Experience
Overall, I’m pleased with the result- a professional-quality website that allows me control to go in, add, and edit content on my own anytime. My advice to anyone considering using Joomla is to be patient, use all of the resources and help available, enjoy the creative aspects, and don’t be afraid to ditch the tutorials at a certain point and explore on your own without worrying about ruining things! Because of the time constrains of this course, I sat down and created a fully-functional, aesthetically pleasing website in about two days; however Joomla offers many more useful features, and I hope to experience using these in a future class or on my own.

Friday, May 22, 2015

To Conclude Week I

This course really is a juggling act. With the blog and Twitter and never-ending discussion questions and now Joomla (hopefully tomorrow), it's quite possibly the most rigorous class I've ever taken. Stress levels are at an all-time high, yet I'm managing it well for the most part. But, on a more positive note, I learned in college that it's the classes you work the hardest for that end up being your favorites and the ones you can really be proud of. In two weeks, I hope I'll be able to say that about this one!

I don't have any weekend plans and my boyfriend is gone camping, so I'll be at home this Memorial Day. If anyone needs me, I'll be in my homework cave. Juggling.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Matchmaking with WikiMatrix

According to, the Royston Public Library serves a city of 2,574 residents, a 69.9% white and 25.7% black population. In my experience as a life-long patron and part-time employee, I can attest to (roughly) those findings; however, it’s worthwhile to note that we also have many Hispanic citizens as regular patrons. Median household income in Royston in 2013 was $2, 484, yet 34.3% of citizens were considered to be living in poverty. In my opinion, user groups which most frequently participate in library services and events are homeschool families, other families with young children, and low-income residents.

The library itself recently moved into the renovated, revamped city hall building. The more modern facility is stunning, and it, along with the added technology (more patron computers, a coin-operated print station, and a new copy machine) and added services (computer classes and new books), has increased library use exponentially over the last year. Funding for the new building came in the form of grant money and a generous donation by Ms. Roberta Brown, though these improvements and successes have cost the library, and it struggles on a pretty tight budget.

Goal of a Library Wiki:
Considering that its most frequent users are families with children (including homeschool families), I think a Wiki for the Royston Library would be most beneficial in connecting homeschool moms and other parents. Parents could contribute their ideas to the library’s Homeschool Program and weekly Storytimes. The wiki could also provide a compilation of educational material for young learners.

Wiki Requirements:
Primarily, the wiki needs to be very user-friendly (both for patrons and for a small library staff with intermediate technology skills) and very affordable. Furthermore, I would like the page to be open to the public for adding and editing.

It's a Match!:
Many of the features displayed by WikiMatrix are foreign to me; however, to the best of my knowledge, Wikidot would work well for the Royston Library. It emphasizes “collaboration, community and social elements, extensibility and ease of participation,” and has many features compatible with the library wiki's goals.
-                Free!
-                Good usability and well-organized/pleasing aesthetic, customizable design
-                Security/anti-spam features
-                Hosted, with commercial support available
-                Easy communication through email notification, blogs, forums, image
                galleries, threaded comments, RSS Feeds etc.

Obviously, sacrifices must be made. In this case, I think the most important one would be WYSIWYG, which is supposed to be easier on the non-tech savvy. I’m not familiar with this and don’t have a good idea of how significantly it would impact the end-user experience.

Now, For Your Twitter Update

A little exploration has shown me many different types of tweets from both individuals and organizations, and I now have a much better understanding of how this social media platform functions. It’s actually a very simple design with a super user-friendly layout, so that anyone (even old-school librarians who remain skeptical of social media) can learn and participate; technology anxiety is completely unwarranted here! However, I’m a newbie, and tweeting still feels a little like stepping out into traffic when you don’t know what a car is. I guess my biggest challenge is getting over the self-consciousness I feel about what I release into the online universe. Is it like reading aloud in front of the class? Does it begin to feel more natural the longer you’re at it?

Friday, May 15, 2015

Turn Me Into a Tech Hero, Please

As the name of my blog suggests, I feel I’m starting from zero where Web 2.0 is concerned. I grew up in a very rural locale where dial-up Internet was my family’s only option; therefore, most of the Internet’s potential was not even available to me. It wasn’t until my freshman year of college (surviving in a cramped dorm room and spending more time just finding ways to procrastinate than it would take to actually write the essays) that I really got serious about Facebook and tinkered with Tumblr, Skype, and YouTube. College also familiarized me with Google Docs and Prezi, both of which served me well in my part-time job at a public library as the young adult programming specialist; Prezi is a life-saver for elementary school presentations and summer reading program events! I’m a huge fan.

Currently, my web habits include mainly Pinterest and the occasional YouTube video. As far as social media is concerned, I guess I’m over the hype. I took what I expected to be a brief hiatus from Facebook nearly a year ago and have yet to reactivate my account. I do miss certain aspects, but I’ve found that my life is so much simpler, healthier, and happier without it.

So, although zero might be a bit of an exaggeration, I know I have far more still to learn. I hope that my familiarity with some of the more popular social media sites and web tools will provide a good footing for this course, and that the class teaches me how to utilize these to their highest potential, as well as introduces me to other, as yet unexplored, technology opportunities. Tweeting and blogging are both pretty foreign to me, so I’m learning new things already! And even if I’m not crazy about certain web tools for my own personal use, I am eager to use them toward the promotion of libraries and to be able to assist library patrons with their vast technology needs. I’m ready to become a library tech hero.